Monday, January 10, 2011

Cybercrime Blog #1

What are ethics?
ethics are what society feels is right or wrong.

For The "More Ethical Situations" sheet, How did you rate each? Why?
 irated the ones ilive by the highest, because those are my personal ethics Ilive by.
What are Values? List your top values.
 values is what's important to you. my top values
In the values shuffle, were you tempted to go to a side you did not really agree with? 

Why could it be hard to stand up for your values (Use Peer pressure and hypocrisy) in you answer.

What are morals? 

Do values and ethics always match? 

What are the consequences of immoral behavior (not religion).

Friday, October 29, 2010

Bicentennial an Blog Prompt

If I was to propose a third law to the law of robotics, after Isaac Asimov wrote it, it would be to not let people fall in love or make humans fall in love. This would be helpful to both robots and humans because their lives would be so much easier. Love is actually a big thing that most human break apart for, do you imagine a robot, that would be worse. So, in the movie Andrew was considered alive only by Lil Miss and Dad.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


What's AI's role? Good or bad why?
- A.I's role is to take over human intelligence, that's bad because they will eventually ruin the whole society.

Why do they want to destroy it? Do they succeed?

-To get their community back! And no they fail.
Is this likely future of AI? Why or why not? 

- I think yes, because A.I will be too smart to bring back to normal.

    Friday, October 15, 2010

    Class Blog 1: A.I

    Is A.I possible? Why?

    Is A.I good or bad? 

    What will Moore's Law

    Turing Test

    Will A.I Robots take over in the future?